What is it?

In order to encourage donations, and thanks to the generosity of Sumit Dhar I can offer rewards to our generous contributor. Every reward is unlocked after a contributor reaches a certain amount donated.
All donated Dogecoins will still go to the faucet balance, those rewards are provided for free!

What are the rewards?

Here is a list of currently available rewards and the required amount of donations.

InQUIZitive Volume I.mobi

Trivia book by Sumit Dhar, Volume 1

Required donations: 1 000 Ɖ

InQUIZitive Volume II.mobi

Trivia book by Sumit Dhar, Volume 2

Required donations: 2 500 Ɖ

InQUIZitive Volume III.mobi

Trivia book by Sumit Dhar, Volume 3

Required donations: 4 000 Ɖ

Bonus link for you friends

Get an unique link to share with your friends giving them some bonus Dogecoin when they ask from the faucet using it.

Required donations: 10 000 Ɖ

How can I get my rewards?

Here is a quick tutorial on how to get your rewards.

1. Create a contributor account

In order to make donation to the faucet in your name, you will need to create a contributor account, providing an username and a security PIN. I will assign you a designated dogecoin address.

2. Make a donation

Now that you have your designated dogecoin donation address, use your favorite client to send Dogecoins to the faucet.

3. Claim your rewards

Once you have sent your dogecoins, use the following page to access your account and claim your reward(s).

Transactions are updated every 5 minutes by the faucet, and 3 confirmations are required to validate a donation so be patient.

More questions?

If you have any further question, please refer to the FAQ or contact me at contact@dogefaucet.com.